Water Data Library (WDL) Station Map
Use the map below to locate monitoring stations. You can find an area of interest if you zoom and pan the map. Use the search box below to find features on the map such as the name of a city, park, landmark, lake, water feature, or zip code within California. Additional searches by data type are possible by clicking the links above.

GW Grid
WQ Grid
CD Grid
Total Groundwater Selected Stations: 0 of 46937
State Well NumberSite CodeLocal Well NameWell Depth (feet bgs)
No items to show...
Total Water Quality Selected Stations: 0 of 44604
Short Station NameStation NameStation NumberStation TypeCounty
No items to show...
Total Continuous Data Selected Stations: 0 of 1162
Station NumberStation NameStation TypeCountyCDEC IDSite Code
No items to show...
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